Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Blog Archive 1 - School's in Session...

During my freshman year at Arizona State University, I used to scoff at the two girls down the hall from my dorm who religiously used their brand new TiVo to record such oh-so-stimulating shows like "The O.C." and "American Idol". At the time, I didn't understand how anyone could possibly be so addicted to television - or even their favorite shows - that they'd need to record something 24/7.

Three years later, I've definitely seen the error of my ways. While there are only a choice few series on television that make the cut on my Season Pass list, I have to admit that the opportunity to record anything at any time of the day has its advantages. Between early morning repeats of the old military/legal show JAG and late-night showings of Conan O'Brien, my TiVo gets the occassional workout. And with the Fall 2007 semester now in full swing, escapist entertainment is more necessary than ever.

Unlike three years ago, I now realize that TiVo is not just for the typical couch potato. In fact, TiVo allows you to NOT watch television all the time, as you can essentially pick and choose what shows you like, disregarding the rest, and watching them all (either in their entirety or not) whenever you can. In essence, you can be intelligent about what you watch, without suffering through the various, mindless forms of entertainment on the tube. It's a lovely tool that I'm glad I finally embraced.

The past two weeks have given everyone a chance to catch up on old favorites or shows that we happened upon by accident over the summer. Starting next week, networks all across the board, from CBS to SciFi to MTV will try to get our attention - and keep it for the remainder of the season.

Now, I know that there's no accounting for taste, so hopefully I'll be able to get the opinions of some random Sun Devils around campus. Let's see how "smart" the general consensus is when it comes to regular viewing habits.

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